Knowledge of Anatomy have key role in understanding of medical sciences. Which provide comprehensive knowledge of macroscopic, microscopic & developmental anatomy of human body. Also provide better understanding of clinical correlation of various human systems through dissection and organ/ body preservation for future use.
Our aim to provide best clinical oriented knowledge of anatomy to the medical students.

Have sufficient reserve of cadavers for research & teaching purposes. Have large deep freezer facility for cryopreservation for live dissection.
Our museum equipped with Embryo/ Neuro/Radio & region wise sections for training purposes. Department has digitally equipped Histology lab with sufficient Histological collection of slides & facilities available for tissue preparation. Future planning
- Facility available for commercial embalming.
- for cadaveric workshop.
Academic Activities
Lecture & Demonstration classes of undergraduates and postgraduates are conducted with the help of available Audio-visual aids i.e. LCD, OHP, Black board, Digital display Microscope etc.
Tutorials/demonstrations are held weekly where learning of the students are carried out in different interesting ways to get their spirited participation- i.e. sessions of Problem based questions, Fill-in the blanks, Multiple Choice questions, Figures drawing, Spotting test exercises, Viva-voce, Model forming, Quiz, Seminar etc.
These activities are also reckoned for day- to-day assessment record of the students. In addition to these postgraduate students are also involved in weekly seminars and journal clubs in accordance with the MCI norms as per the schedule provided by the principal’s office.
Excellence/Unique Services
Other Services
Academic Activity Excellence
- CADEVERIC LAB - Department is working on establishing the cadaveric lab with modern facilities to provide hands-on training for various latest surgical procedures.
- PROFESSIONAL EMBALMING - Department is planning to start professional embalming to facilitate the transport the dead bodies to distant places.
Other Services

There is a well equipped Embalming room having all the facilities for embalming and sectioning the bodies/limbs where postgraduate students are regularly trained to embalm the fresh bodies.
Department is planning to start the body donation awareness to fulfill the requirement of cadavers for teaching and research purposes.
- 2 Demonstration rooms with facility of OHP and LCD projection and having seating capacity for 75 students each
- P.G. Research laboratory:
- 6 Postgraduate students can at a time perform practical. The lab is well equipped with all the facilities. In addition to routine apparatuses for performing all the practicals related with histological techniques, one digital display microscope is also present which provide facility to project histological slides. We also have a well - equipped Anthropological laboratory.
- Laboratories - UG:
- We have a spacious well ventilated histological laboratory where 150 students can at a time sit and study histological slides. We have 90 monocular and 12 binocular microscopes with the help of which a vast collection of 1300 slides of human viscera can be studied.
- Dissection Hall (For U.G. and P.G. Students): Dissection hall with a sitting capacity of 150 undergraduate students. The dissection hall is well ventilated and equipped with Audio-Visual Aid, Exhaust facility and an attached Cold storage room with a capacity of keeping 15-18 cadavers. We also have 5 formalin tanks for the preservation of cadavers for dissection purposes, which at present has approx. 25 bodies stored.