Department Of General Medicine Is the back bone of clinical departments of the SMI Hospital, SGRRIMS and Hospital .It was established in 2000 and is headed by Dr. Amit Varma, Prof. of General Medicine.
We endeavor to provide advanced health care to patients, excellence in education, innovation and research. We are committed to diagnose, treat and prevent all the common and uncommon disease by practicing evidence based medicine and enhancing the patient’s satisfaction and outcomes.
We have 15 esteemed faculty members who are actively involved in patients care, teaching MBBS and PG students along with the research work. Our department has a total of five unit, each headed by an efficient and hardworking professor.

- We provide special clinics like Diabetes Clinic which runs from Monday to Wednesday.
- We have recently started Rheumatology with OPD and IPD services.
- Post Graduate course in MD Medicine was started in the year 2013 and currently we have 11 Postgraduates coming every year. Our graduates are very well trained in all types of in-patients procedures and are very efficient in managing all the medical emergencies.
- From the year 2020 till date the department has been actively and proactively involved in the management and prevention of COVID 19infection during the epidemic, it catered large proportion of those affected rendering quality and lifesaving services .we were actively involvedin treating COVID Patients In COVID WardsandICU.
- We also have research projects in our department pertaining to the recent advances as well as randomized trials of drugs. We also dedicate our time in post graduates teaching classes, group discussion and seminars.
- We have regular undergraduates teaching classes and clinical postings where we make it a point to teach every student the basics of the subject and giving each student a chance of observing and demonstrating physical examination on a patient.
- Our ART center was established in December 2020 which provides free of cost treatment to all the patients suffering from HIV.
Academic Activity
Excellence / Unique Services
Other Services