It is a First year Subject which forms the basis of Medicine in simple terms it refers to the study of normal functioning of living structure. Physiology department with all its spread and galore is located on the ground floor adjacent to the edifice of lecture theatre and examination hall. 

- Haematology Lab – 60 students can sit at a time and perform practicals. The lab is well equipped with all the facilities. In addition to routine apparatuses for performing all the practical's related with the blood, one digital display microscope is also present which provide facility to project PBS slides preparation for a group of students so that they can be taught different characteristics of blood cells more effectively. Students use binocular self illuminating microscopes for practical classes.
- Clinical Lab – All the apparatuses for performing examination of different human systems are present like Physiographs, Stethoscopes, Sphygmomanometer, Stethographs, Vitalographs, Spirometers, Ergographs, Perimeters, Sensory and Motor neurological assessing kits etc.
- Experimental Lab & Mammalian Lab – These labs have all the facilities for performing frog’s nerve muscle, heart and mammal's gut experiments.
- Respiratory PG Lab Unit – This lab has facility of doing dynamic and static lung function tests with the help of Digital and Benedict's Roth Spirometer.
- Cardiac PG Lab Unit – In this lab students can do experiments on ECG machine, polygraphs and physiographs.
- TMT PG Lab Unit – This lab has computerised Tread Mill machine for the assessment of cardiac functions.
- Power Lab Chart Unit – This advanced computer software intercede apparatus can record many physiological parameters and can compute the data.
- Yoga & Biofeedback PG Lab Unit – Biofeedback machine which can record EEG, EMG, GSR, Temp, RR, HR
Library cum Seminar: Library has a comfortable stay as is fitted with conference table, chairs, AC and with a seating capacity of 25 persons at a time. It has very good collection of Physiology textbooks, practical and reference. Library has facility of LCD projector for presentations and seminars.
Demonstration Room For the demonstration or tutorials, department has 2 demonstration rooms with a seating capacity of 75-80 students and facility of OHP and LCD projection.
Computer Room Department has separate room for computer with Wifi internet facility. This room is in the centre of the department and accessible to everyone in the computer.
Faculty Rooms Each faculty member has comfortable space to carry out her or his academic work in peace.
Teaching and Evaluation
A strong team of staff of this department holds following routine Activities efficiently:

Academic Activities Undergraduate Teaching
- Lecture & Demonstration classes are conducted with the help of available different audio-visual aids i.e. LCD, OHP, Black board, Digital display Microscope etc
- Practical demonstrations are shown to the students in different laboratories especially with the stress on teaching the significance to the clinical applicability.
- Tutorials are held weekly where learning of the students are carried out in different interesting ways to get their spirited participation- ie sessions of Problem based questions, Fill-in blanks, Multiple Choice questions, Figures drawing, Spotting test exercises, Viva-voce, Model forming, Quiz, Seminar etc. These activities are also reckoned for Day- today assessment record of the students.
- They are also made to visit different clinical departments in very small groups to get orientated with their present learning (Early Clinical Exposure).
- Periodically the written test at the end of each system/unit of the physiology and lab tests are held to facilitate their interest and regularity in the subject.

Postgraduate Teaching
- Seminars, journal clubs and PG lectures are held every fortnightly.
- Participation to all undergraduate classes is essential
- Undergraduate teaching during practical classes in different labs.
- To carry out Thesis practical and writing work.
- To carry out all the PG practicals and to maintain a log book and all laboratories manuals.
- Periodical Theory and Practical assessment.
- To prepare for publication and conference presentations.
- To complete interdepartmental posting.
Excellence/Unique Services