1. Introduction of the department:
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences has been an integral part of this Institute since its inception. This department being a tertiary care and referral center is one of the most active departments. The department with its state of art facilities and outstanding team of doctors offers high quality care to women. The 24x7 emergency care and delivery facilities under supervision of experienced, dedicated team of doctors with round the clock functioning operation theatres makes the department one of the best in the health care delivery for women in the region. The department has grown over the years keeping in pace with the ever increasing advancement in this field. The department runs Specialty clinics like High risk pregnancies, Infertility, Family welfare, Cancer and Menopause to provide comprehensive care to women from adolescent to Menopause.
The department is also involved in providing quality education to undergraduate (MBBS) as well Postgraduate (MS) students. The department also offers training to senior residents empowering them to provide quality and comprehensive care to the patients.

2 Infrastructure / Equipment
The department has 3 labour rooms, separate maternity O.T., 4 wards with 100 beds, adequate rooms in the O.P.D., 4 Demonstration rooms for undergraduate teaching , one seminar room for postgraduate teaching, museum with mannequins, models, instruments, specimens for teaching. There is a departmental library with more than 200 books with latest editions.
3. Routine clinical services provided by the department :
- Antenatal care for all pregnant women
- Normal, instrumental delivery and caesarean section
- Family planning services which includes all reversible and permanent method of contraception
- Basic Infertility evaluation and treatment
- Gynecological cancer screening and management
- All Major and Minor procedures /Gynecological surgeries like abdominal hysterectomy, vaginal Hysterectomy, NDVH, LAVH, TLH, and laparotomy for various indications.
4. Unique clinical services provided by the department:
- High risk pregnancy care
- Medical management of ectopic pregnancy
- Management of Caesarean scar pregnancy by various methods
- Vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC)
- Painless labor
- Management of adherent placenta patients with multi-disciplinary facilities
- Advanced Infertility treatment including IUI and IVF procedures (details given below)
- Comprehensive Gynae Cancer Treatment services (details given below)
- Minimally invasive surgeries - Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy
- Specialized Major and Minor Gynecological surgeries like sacrocolpopexy, TOVT, Re-canalization surgeries and laparotomy for complicated and high-risk patients.

5. Routine academic activity:
The department is involved in providing quality education to undergraduate (MBBS) as well Postgraduate (MS) students. Apart from Postgraduate teaching and training program the department also offers training to senior residents empowering them to provide quality and comprehensive care to the patients.
6. Academic activity Excellence:
Many faculty members are involved in research work actively. The department has organized many workshops and conferences in the past. There is active involvement of many faculty members as speakers and chairpersons in National , Zonal and State level conferences. Every year many papers from the department are published in indexed journals.
7. Other services platform:
The Department started state of art IVF (Test tube Baby) Centre/Unit in May 2019 for the comprehensive evaluation and treatment of infertile couples as a whole. The centre is well equipped with all the advanced facilities and expert team of clinicians, embryologist, laboratory and OT technicians and nursing staff. The facility is unique as it is a part of medical college hospital thereby providing all services under one roof from treatment of female and male infertility, antenatal management of pregnant lady upto delivery and care of newborn.
Scope of Services provided by IVF centre SMIH
- Follicular Monitoring
- Baseline Scan
- Early Pregnancy scan
- Ovulation Induction
- HSG(Hysterosalpingography)
- SSG( Sono salpingography)
- Ovum Pick up
- Fresh Embryo Transfer
- Frozen Embryo Transfer
- IUI-Self(Intrauterine Insemination)
- IUI-Donor
- Donor Sperm IVF
- Donor Oocyte IVF
- Donor Embryo IVF
- Surrogacy with self egg
- Surrogacy with donor egg
- Diagnostic Laproscopy
- Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
- Laproscopic ovarian drilling
- Laproscopic salphingectomy
- Laproscopic tubual clipping
- Laproscopic adhesiolysis
- Laproscopic Myomectomy
- Open Myomectomy
- Hysteroscopic septal resection
- Hysteroscopic adhesiolysis
- Hysteroscopic cervical dilatation
- Hysteroscopic Endometrial biopsy
- Semen Analysis
- Semen Culture
- Semen Freezing
- Oocyte Pooling
- Oocyte Freezing
- Embryo Freezing
- Embryo Biopsy
- (Pre implantation genetic testing/ Diagnosis)
- ERA (Endometrial Receptivity Array)
- IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)
- ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
- PICSI (Physiological Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
- HOST test (Hypoosmotic Swelling Test)
- TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration)
- PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration)
- TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction)
- Blastocyst Culture
- Genetic Counseling Pre + Post (PGD)
- IU hcg(Intrauterine hcg)
- Intralipid Infusion
- Mock Transfer
- Simple cyst aspiration
- Endometriotic cyst aspiration
Comprehensive Gynae Cancer Treatment services provided at SMIH
- Radical cancer surgery:
- Ovarian cancer- primary & secondary cyto-reductive surgery, interval debulking surgery and staging laparotomy
- Uterine (Endometrial) cancer surgery
- Cervical cancer- Radical Hysterectomy
- Vulvar cancer surgery- radical vulvectomy with inguino-femoral node dissection, including reconstructive flap surgeries
- Retroperitoneal en-bloc nodal dissection (pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy)
Laparoscopic surgery:
- Minimal access surgery for complex ovarian masses (laparoscopic salpingo-ovariotomy and hysterectomy)
- Laparoscopic staging surgery (omentectomy and nodal dissection)
- Surgery for endometrial cancer (extra-fascial hysterectomy, sentinel/systematic retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy)
Cancer Chemotherapy
Cancer Prevention Services:
- Familial / Hereditary cancer genetic screening (BRCA testing)
- Cervical cancer screening- Paps Smear & HPV DNA testing
- Colposcopic Examination
- Conisation / LEEP excisional procedures for cervical pre-cancerous lesions
- Cryotherapy for pre-invasive lesions
Oncologic diagnostic services
- Biopsies such as vulvar biopsy, cervical biopsy and vaginal wall biopsy
- Endometrial aspiration biopsy
- Tumor marker testing for gynaecologic malignancies