The department of dermatology provides out patients and inpatient services concerning all diseases of skin, hair and nail. The department also runs special clinics during OPD hours which includes sexually transmitted diseases and leprosy in which the patients are counselled and provide government supplied drugs. Post-graduate training is also done in the department.

Services provided
OPD services
- General OPD are conducted on all days except on Sunday.
- STD & Leprosy OPD
- Speciality clinics include diseases like psoriasis, autoimmune disorders, vitiligo, pigmentary disorders, immunobullous disorders. Specific days are designated for each. Patient is explained about the disease, treatment options and are counselled.
- Dermoscopic evaluation of all dermatological diseases for diagnosis and follow-up.
Department has well equipped 30 bedded ward for inpatient treatment of severe and complicated skin diseases like-
- Severe cutaneous adverse drug reactions.
- Severe leprosy reactions.
- STD patients with complications
- DCP pulse therapy for severe life-threatening conditions like pemphigus vulgaris.
MINOR SKIN Procedures
- Electrocautery for warts, skin tags
- Skin Biopsy-Wedge, Punch, excisional for histopathological confirmation of diagnosis
- Intralesional injection in keloid, hypertrophic lichen planus, alopecia areata, nodulocystic acne, LSC, Vitamin D injection for warts,
- Immunotherapy in warts.
- Milia removal
- Comedone extraction
- Phototherapy- for vitiligo, psoriasis, etc
- Excision of cysts like epidermoid, steatocystoma
- Platelet rich plasma therapy: androgenetic alopecia, female pattern baldness, alopecia areata; vitiligo, periorbital hypermelanosis; scars; stria distensiae, facial rejuvenation;
- Nail surgery for ingrown toe nail; partial and incomplete nail avulsion;
- KOH mount for confirmation of dermatophytosis
- Wood’s lamp for diagnosis of vitiligo, pityriasis versicolor, erythrasma,
- Chemical peeling for pigmentary disorders, for glow, acne vulgaris, lichen planus pigmentosus, acanthosis nigricans, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, pigmented lips
- Iontophoresis for volar hyperhidrosis
- Chemical cautery during nail surgery
- TCA application for xanthelasma, warts, corn/callosity, molluscum contagiosum
- Podophyllin application for genital warts
- Tzanck smear in immunobullous disorders and herpes
- Slit skin smear in suspected patients of leprosy
- Giemsa staining
- Gram stain for uretheral discharge
- AST is done for patients of chronic urticaria
- LASERS- unwanted hair removal ; Scar resurfacing ; vascular structures ;Tattoo removal; pigmentary dermatosis; facial rejuvenation; keloid; stria distensiae.
- Vitiligo surgery: Punch grafting, suction blister
- Microneedlingfor vitiligo, facial rejuvenation, androgenetic alopecia, female pattern baldness
- Radiofrequency ablation for mole removal, DPN
- Scar revision for traumatic/ post-surgical scars, chicken pox scars
- Platelet rich fibrin(PRF dressing) for non-healing ulcers eg: Trophic ulcers in leprosy, ulcers in diabetic patients, systemic sclerosis
- Dermabrasion in vitiligo surgery
- Subcision, TCA cross, Microneedling with PRP, Er-Yag Laser for acne scars
- Cryotherapy for warts, keloids
- Biofiller- scarring alopecia, En coup de sabre, acne scar
- Surgical excision for melanocytic nevus