Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic surgery is functioning in the institute for last many years. It is the only centre in the region providing complete and comprehensive care for all range of Cardiac, Vascular and Thoracic surgery patients being managed by two qualified and experienced surgeons and teams. The department caters not only to patients from all over Utttarakhand, but also adjoining areas of Uttar Pradesh, Himachal and Haryana. There are many firsts for the region, to the credit of the specialty such as Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS), Hybrid procedures for Aortic and Vascular diseases, Surgery for complicated, both old and new, dialysis access, Thoracic surgeries etc.

The institute caters to all patients of cardiac surgeries, both adult and congenital, and has a well established modern concept of “heart team”- another first for region, comprising experienced cardiac surgeon, cardiologists and cardiac anaesthetists. The team has been able to successfully treat many patients who were, otherwise, being referred to higher centers’ outside the region.
There is an excellent thoracic team comprising experienced pulmonologists along with Thoracic surgeon for managing patients of chest diseases including complicated cases old Tuberculosis, chest trauma and malignancies. The hospital has become a tertiary referral centre for such patients from all over the region and other hospitals for treatment of such patients with commencement of Oncology services.
The centre boasts of the only “Hybrid Operating Suite” in the region helping patients of vascular diseases, with a facility of surgery and endovascular intervention in one operating room. Team of an Endovascular Surgeon and Interventional Radiologist is available full time to help patients suffering from vascular diseases. The hospital is a tertiary level referral centre for such patients of vascular trauma and diseases. Many patients of complicated dialysis access are referred from all over the region and are managed comprehensively along with Nephrology specialists.
The centre epitomizes the concept of team approach which has been proven world over to be better than individual specialty management for humanistic, comprehensive and effective care. Many ancillary experts, such as Physiotherapists, dieticians, ICU nurses are integral part of team providing holistic care. There is excellent coordination with various empanelling agencies and government departments to care for all referred patients in an efficient and cost effective manner.

- Out patient services
- Cardiac surgery clinic - Adult and Paediatric
- Thoracic surgery clinic
- Vascular clinic - Open and endovascular, dialysis access
In patient services
1. Open and closed heart surgeries.
- Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) including “off - pump” CABG.
- Heart valve repair and replacement.
- Minimal invasive cardiac surgery (MICS)
- Pericardial procedures
- Surgery for Cardiac myxoma
- Surgery for congenital heart diseases
- Surgery for Aortic aneurysms
2. Vascular Surgery
- Open and endovascular procedures
- Surgery for peripheral vascular disease
- Endovascular treatment of varicose veins and ulcers
- Surgery for complicated dialysis access.
- Treatment of vascular trauma
3. Thoracic surgery
- Operation for complications of tuberculosis
- Decortication
- Lobectomy
- Pneumonectomy
- Surgery for bullous lung disease
- Surgery for thoracic trauma