Department of pathology at SGRRIM&HS boasts of a set of qualified and dedicated pathologists who team up for patient care and to teach both undergraduate and postgraduate students. The department has approval to take nine postgraduate students every year.
Licensed Blood Bank, Haematology lab, Cytopathology lab and Histopathology lab are the subsections of the department of pathology and are NABL accredited.

Our motto is timely and reliable reporting along with dedicated teaching to prepare competent medical professionals.
Infrastructure available / special machine / equipment

All sections of pathology and blood bank are well ventilated and adequately spaced to render prompt service, while safeguarding the health of the personnel.
Pathology department is equipped with state of the art, fully automated equipments including fully automated haematology analyzers, fully automated coagulation analyzers, Flowcytometer, automated tissue processors, autostainers, Immunofluorescence microscope & automated grouping and cross matching analyzers .
Decahead and Pentahead microscopes are available apart from Nikon binocular microscopes for effective UG & PG teaching
Excellence / Unique Services
- Licensed Blood bank renders 24 x 7 services to both in house and outside patients, issuing safe blood components and acquiring almost 100% voluntary blood donations.
- Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital is a multispeciality hospital with an oncology department as well. Pathology department is fully equipped to process oncology specimens adhering to CAP protocol for grossing and reporting and a large panel of Immunohistochemistry markers.
- Haematology and Cytopathology laboratories are 24 x 7 functional labs in the central laboratory, Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital. The sections render routine diagnostics along with bone marrow aspiration / biopsy studies, haemoglobin HPLC, Serum electophroesis, flowcytometry on blood/ Bone marrow/ Lymph node aspirate samples, radiologically guided FNACs and squash cytology.
- Histopathology lab in the department of pathology is automated and includes services like routine HPE, Intraoperative consulations (frozen sections and squash cytology), Histochemistry, Immunohistochemistry and direct Immunofluorescence of skin biopsies.
Academic Activity
Competency based medical education for UG students and interactive teaching of postgraduate students in the form of seminars, slide discussions, group discussions, journal clubs and lectures are actively undertaken.
Other services
Blood donation camps are regularly organized to promote voluntary blood donations.