1. Department of Microbiology
Department of Microbiology is located in Medical College campus with a division in Central lab (which runs 24X7). The department is associated with the academics of MBBS and MD Microbiology students. Currently, MCI/NMC has approved 6 MD Microbiology seats in SGRRIM&HS.
Over the years the department has witnessed seminal progress in the field of Medical Microbiology. The Department is actively involved in Teaching, Clinical Diagnostic services to the Tertiary Care Hospital SMIH and Health Care Systems in the State and is endowed with research capability. Internship programme for paramedical courses is also conducted by the department regularly.
Core area of research pivots around the major branches of Medical Microbiology i.e. Aerobic bacteriology, Immunology, Serology, Virology, Mycology, Parasitology, Mycobacteriology, Molecular Biology of infectious diseases. A key role is played by the department in the quality of services provided by SMIH in the form of diagnostic investigations, hospital infections control, bio medical waste management & antimicrobial stewardship programme for NABL and NABH related activities.

The lab in general is accredited for various tests since 2014, which implies that high quality reporting is done. All the instruments used are calibrated and reports are released on Lab Information System.
The department has conducted various CMEs & workshops at district and state levels with accreditation form Uttarakhand MCI.
2. Infrastructure available/special Machine/Equipment
Demonstration Room
For the demonstration or tutorials, the department has 2 demonstration rooms , each with a seating capacity of 75 students and equipped with the facility of OHP, LCD , cordless microphone and speaker.
Well equipped UG Lab is present with a sitting capacity of 104 students for practical classes. This lab is fully equipped with all the requisite facilities for conducting various staining techniques for bacteria and also for observing parasites in stool. In this lab, students are provided with self illumination binocular microscope of the best quality. UG lab also exhibits charts related to Microbiology.
This Laboratory has capacity of 10 students and is well equipped with all the facilities for performing all the practicals related to Bacteriology, Mycology, Parasitology, Serology, Immunology & Virology.
Microscope with computer display is also present for group teaching. Students use binocular self illuminating microscopes for practical classes.
Library - Cum - Seminar room
Library has a seating capacity of 25 students. Library has 163 books and 06 journals for reference by faculty and students. It is also equipped with facility of LCD projector for presentations, faculty lectures and seminars.
A well equipped museum is present in the department with seating arrangement for 40 students. It has adequate plastic mounts, preserved specimens, culture media, biochemical tests, charts and models for teaching of students.
Service Laboratories: There are 07 well equipped service laboratories in the department
Central Laboratory:

Department of Microbiology has a 24X7 laboratory in hospital which provides round the clock services to patients in all disciplines of microbiology. This laboratory is also accredited by NABL.
HIV Testing:
Integrated Counseling and Testing Center (under PPP mode, UASACS) is being operated by Microbiology Department which provides free of cost HIV testing and counseling facilities to the patient.Lab also performs tests related to STDs under PPP mode with UASACS.
Molecular Testing Lab:
The facility of molecular testing is also provided by the department, this lab was established in 2011 as exclusive state approved lab for Swine flu (H1N1) and has been performing various tests. The lab is accredited for RTPCR for H1N1from NABL and NCDC. The RTPCR test for SARS-CoV2 is being carried out under the approval of ICMR.
Faculty Rooms:
Each faculty member has comfortable space to carry out her or his academic work in peace.
3. Routine clinical services provided by the department
- Aerobic C & S All samples
- Albert stain
- Gram Stain All samples
- India ink preparation
- Modified Z.N. staining
- Stool Reducing Substance
- Stool hanging drop preparation
- Stool pH
- Conventional TB culture for Urine
- ZN stain
- Slit Skin Smear For Mycobacterium leprae
- Stool routine examination
- Occult blood of stool
- Wet mount examination ( For Scolices/Hooklets)
- Wet mount examination (Amoebic Liver Abscess)
- Modified ZN stain for Oocysts
- Anti Salmonella antibodies IgM
- RPR test for Syphilis
- Anti treponemal antibodies
- Scrub Typhus antibodies
- Widal test
- Procalcitonin
- TORCH profile IgG
- TORCH profile IgM
- Immucheck TB Platinum (IGRA)- Gamma Interferon Test
- Tissue Transglutaminase IgA (TTG)
- Anti Thyroid Peroxidase - IgG (Anti TPO)
- Serum beta 2 glycoprotein 1,IgG & IgM
- Serum Cardiolipin Antibody, IgG & IgM
- Anti Nuclear Antibodies: Profile & IFA
- Anti Mullerian hormone (AMH)
- Serum Total Testosterone
- ANCA profile
- Serum IgE
- Anti HCV
- HBs Ag
- Anti HBs Ab
- Acute hepatitis confirmation panel
- Anti Hepatitis E IgM Antibodies
- Anti HBe Ab
- Anti HAV IgM
- Anti HBc IgM
- ELISA - Dengue NS1 & IgM
- Fungal smear (KOH mount)
- Fungal culture
- H1N1(swine flu) qualitative
- SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
- HLA B-27
- HPV DNA screening test
- HSV 1&2 DNA screening and genotyping test
- Hepatitis B virus DNA viral load
- Hepatitis C virus RNA viral load
- Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotyping test
Quality Control Programmes
The lab also participates in various External Quality Assurance Programmes like IAMM, Sir Ganga Ram hospital, QAQC programme for COVID-19 from AIIMS Rishikesh and WHO (through NIV Pune) and QAQC programe for H1N1 from NCDC New Delhi. Routine Inter laboratory comparisons of various lab services are carried out with another NABL accredited lab to maintain high quality of test reports.
4. Unique clinical services provided by the department
- Autoclave efficiency testing
- Water coliform count
- Swab Sampling of OT
- Hand Swab Sampling of HCW
- ETO efficiency testing
- Dialysis water bacterial count
- Food bacteriology
- Air sampling of OT
- In-use disinfectant test
5. Routine Academic Activity
- MBBS course Phase II (Theory & Practicals) as per CBME curriculum.
- MBBS course Phase II for Pandemic and AETCOM module.
- MD course.
- Internship programme for paramedical courses.
6. Academic Activity Excellence
In terms of education our department offers excellent training at all levels of under graduate i.e., (M.B.B.S) and postgraduate (M.D) Courses. We have been allotted 150 MBBS seats and 6 P.G. seats each year by MCI/NMC. All M.D. students have been carrying out their thesis work in the department. The course content and curriculum are periodically updated conforming to the NMC norms.
The current state of the department has been fostered by both, its pioneering & current faculty members. The department is fortunate to have a wonderful team including Professors, Associate Professor& Assistant Professors, and keen and enthusiastic UG & PG students. The department is involved in conducting CME routinely.
Faculty members and post graduate students regularly participate in national and international conferences where both oral and poster papers are presented.
The faculty members are trained in the new CBME curriculum and have completed their formal trainings. All the faculty members are certified internal auditors for NABL 15189:2012.
In past 5 years, with 67 published articles in various peer reviewed national and international journals and many ongoing projects, the faculty members take keen interest in research related activities. The faculty members also contribute in giving support to the paramedical courses run by SGRRU as and when required. Apart from academics, the faculty members are also part of various committees and perform additional tasks for SMIH & Shri Guru Ram Rai University.
7. Other services platform.
Department regularly participates in Hospital Infection Control, Bio Medical Waste Management and Antimicrobial Stewardship Programme in the form of data collection as well as training of staff members of hospital as mandated by NABH and NABL.
Department regularly carries out surveillance regarding Infection prevention & control from OTs, ICUs, CSSD and other critical areas of the hospital.