Department of Dentistry is an important clinical department of Shri Guru Ram Institute of Medical and Health Sciences that deals with diagnosis, prevention and treatment of various disorders and conditions of oral cavity as well as other aspects of the craniofacial complex. It is located in the south block of Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital. Our experienced dental team comprises of an endodontist, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon a prosthodontist, a consultant orthodontist and a dental graduate along with other well trained paradental staff to carry out various dental procedures. Patients of all age groups ranging from as young as five days to those reaching their nineties have been managed here. It receives referrals from all the associated medical specialities in the hospital and various patients requiring team approach are managed with adequate participation by dental specialists from time to time. Since its inception, it has evolved from delivering basic routine dental treatments to highly specialised procedures to the masses.

- Four Dental Chairs including one Dental Chair with attached Prophylaxis unit
- Kodak CS 200 Dental X-Ray Unit along with lead apron and neck collar
- Confident C.79.B front load autoclave
- Prosthetic laboratory for prosthesis fabrication
- Dental Library
- Demonstration for medical students
- Major Oral surgical procedures performed in OT complex
Routine Clinical Services provided by Department
- Emergency pain management
- Esthetic restorations
- Class I , II , III, IV & V restorations
- Indirect pulp capping
- Root Canal Treatment
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Extractions
- Surgical extractions
- Odontectomy
- Complete Dentures
- Removable partial Dentures
- Fixed partial Dentures
- Oral Prophylaxis
Unique Clinical Services provided by Department
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
- Midline Diastema Closure
- Re treatment of endodontically treated teeth
- Occlusal equilibrations
- Re-Cementation of Dislodged Crown
- Veneers
- Regenerative Endodontics
- Re-Implantation of tooth
- Treatment of Avulsed Tooth
Maxillofacial surgical procedures;
Major (Under GA)
- Pediatric extractions (Special cases)
- Maxillo- facial trauma management (open reduction and internal fixation of all types of facial fractures)
- Coronoidectomy
- Caldwell Luc operation
- Closure of Oro-Antral Fistula
- Cyst / Tumor Enucleation
- Fibrotomy
- Lingual Frenectomy
- Marginal Resection of Mandible
- Implant Removal
- Segmental Resection of mandible with continuity Defect followed by Reconstruction
- Segmental Resection of Mandible without continuity Defect
- Extraction in medically compromised individuals
Minor (UNDER LA):-
- Complicated Extraction
- Biopsy
- Marsupialisation
- Apicoectomy
- Closure of oro- antral communication
- Excision of Cyst/tumor
- Maxillomandibular fixation
- Lingual frenectomy
- Manual reduction of dislocated mandibular condyles
- Vestibuloplasty
- Surgical removal of tori
- Surgical exposure of impacted teeth
- Curettage
- Extra oral sinus curettage
- Alveloplasty and alveolectomy
- Vestibuloplasty
- Excision of mucosal lesions
- Soft tissue management
- Feeding Appliances
- Obturators
- Stents for TMJ dysfunctions syndrome
- Metal ceramic crown
- Metal crown
- Removal of Faulty Crown
- Removal of Faulty RPD
- Replacement of missing tooth in Denture
- Temporary crown
- Metal Free Crown
Orthodontic procedures
- Ceramic Braces
- Fixed Orthodontics
- Myo-functional Appliances
Periodontal Procedures
- Flap surgery
- Gingivectomy
- Oral Prophylaxis
- Sub gingival curettage
- Root planing
- OPA- X-ray
- Pulp vitality thermal testing
- Diagnostic Blocks
Academic activity
- Lectures for MBBS third year students
- Clinic postings for MBBS second and third year students
Excellence/Unique Services
Chair- side clinics demonstrating the rationality of Dentistry as well as to impart knowledge for adequate timely referrals to the Dental Department by the medical faculty and inter-departmental liaison especially for treatment of medically compromised patients.
Organize Dental camps at RHTC and nearby areas creating Dental awareness