
Hospital beds has been distributed as under. 

Gen. Medicine 150
Gen. Surgery 150
Obstetrics 60
Gynaecology 30
Paediatrics 90
Ophthalmology 40
E.N.T. 30
Orthopaedics 90
Respiratory Medicine 30
DVL 30
Psychiatry 30
Total 730

Click Here to view Unit Wise Bed Distribution List

In addition, additional 321 beds have been provided. The details are as follows.

Emergency 25
Pre Operative 13
Post Operative 16
Medical ICU 12
Surgical ICU 27
Respiratory ICU 05
Paediatric ICU 05
Neonatal ICU 16
Cardiac ICU 08
Medicine HDU 16
Neuro HDU 08
Cardiac HDU 08
Gastro HDU 08
Ante Natal & Post Natal 12
Pvt. Ward 50
Medicine Non Teaching Beds 39
Surgery Non Teaching Beds 39
Total 321