First International Lead Awareness Week was successfully organized by the Department of Biochemistry, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Sciences, Dehradun from October 20-26, 2013 under the auspices of Shri Guru Ram Rai Education Mission, Dehradun, and Uttarakhand Branch of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India, Dehradun. During this week, the main function was organized on 24th of this month which was attended by more than 200 MBBS, 50 Postgraduates and many faculty members of this Institution.
This function was addressed by Prof R K Singh, Head, Biochemistry Department who presented an overall view of Lead Poisoning as per World Health Organization Report in developing countries and particularly in India. Prof N K Singh, Principal, highlighted the importance of this awareness week to students and faculty. Prof S K Rana, Head, Paediatrics Department delivered a Lecture on IMPACT OF LEAD EXPOSURE ON NEONATAL AND CHILDHOOD MORBIDITY.
Thereafter, there was oral and Poster Presentations by Undergraduate students on Lead related topics and its effect on human health. They presented all aspects of Lead intoxication through power point and poster presentations. Ms Ayushi Joshi and Mr Mohammad Asif Siddiqui were awarded Ist Prize whereas Certificates of Appreciations were given to Ms Suparna Das and Mr Manvendra. In Poster Session, Ms Palak Goyal and Ms Ojasvini Goyal were selected in Girls Category and Mr Gaurav Rana and Mr Girish Rawat in Boys category for First Position and Ms Sukhreen Kaur and Ms Pawandeep Kaur in Girls and Mr Himanshu Pandey, Mr Ritesh Srivastava and Ms Sonam were selected for Second Position.
There was interactive session for students who asked many questions from Faculty and presenting students. Prof B S Mahawal, Head, Microbiology Department, Prof Punam Varma, Prof Nidhi Jain from Physiology Department and Prof Shashi Munjal from Anatomy Department were honourable judges for this function. Prof RK Singh, HOD, Biochemistry Department, SGRR Institute of Medical and Health Sciences, Dehradun thanked all the distinguished guests and students that participated in this important First International Awareness Week. Prof Sanjeev Mittal, Prof Sudhir Gupta, Prof Pankaj Mishra, Prof M A Beg, Prof Sadhna Singh and many faculty members were present on this occasion. Mr Tejasvi Mathur, MBBS student presented a vote of thanks.
Students from different schools of Shri Guru Ram Rai Education Mission were invited in the Department on this occasion and were explained the importance of this International Week about Lead Poisoning through Posters and oral Presentations.