On 27-28th June, 2022,Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences organised a Two Day Workshop on Medical Thesis Writing in collaboration with Institute of Applied Statistics under the Dr Padam Singh R&D Scheme. The workshop was inaugurated by lamp lighting by Guest Speaker Dr Hitesh Khurana, Professor, Department of Psychiatry (IMH), Pt BD Sharma, PGIMS,Rohtak, Haryana, National Coordinator of Dr Padam Singh R&D Scheme & Deputy Director, Institute of Applied Sciences, Dr Shubham Pandey, Organizing President of the Workshop Prof. Dr. Puneet Ohri, HOD, Deptt. of Community Medicine, SGRRIM&HS, Organising Secretary and State Coordinator (PSRD Scheme) Dr Shalki Mattas and senior faculty members including Dr M A Beg, Dr Anjali Choudhary, Dr Nidhi Jain, Dr Lalit Varshney and Dr Robina. This was followed by the workshop which was attended by senior faculty members of SGRRIM&HS including Dr Puneet Ohri, Dr. M A Beg, Dr. Anjali Choudhary, Dr. Nidhi Jain, Dr. Alok Mathur, Dr Lalit Varshney, Dr Robina, Dr. Shalki Mattas who were trained to take such sessions at national level and more than 65 postgraduate medical students of SGRRIM&HS. This was the second workshop in a series of workshops which will be organised under this scheme throughout the year.
Speaking over the occasion, Organizing President of the Workshop, Dr. Puneet Ohri said that this Workshop will provide a unique impetus for the faculty and students of Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences and all other attendees with unique exposure and understanding of Medical Thesis Writing, which is an inseparable and vital component of Medical Science. He said that innovation, research and updating to the latest medical sector demands including Medical Thesis Writing have always been emphasized during studies at Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences. He said that such hi-profile workshops, symposiums, Continuing Medical Education (C.M.E.) Programmes are organized from time to time to provide practical research oriented training and exposure to the faculty and students with latest biomedical research analysis methodologies in the medical sector. This was followed by informative hands on workshop sessions taken by Dr Hitesh Khurana and Dr Shubham Pandey which will be beneficial to the students and faculty to understand the concept of thesis writing and analysis of data with the help of statistical softwares.