21st September 2022.The Department of Pharmacology, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences, Patel Nagar, Dehradun organized and celebrated National Pharmacovigilance Week on 21st September 2022 in College Auditorium to spread awareness for Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring and Reporting. The programme was inaugurated by Principal, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences, Dr. Yashbir Dewan, Registrar, Shri Guru Ram Rai University, Dr. Deepak Sahni, Coordinator, Shri Guru Ram Rai University, Dr. R.P. Singh, Vice Principals, SGRRIM&HS, Dr Puneet Ohri and Dr Lalit Kumar, Prof and Head, Deptt. Of Pharmacology, Govt. Doon Medical College, Dr Sanjay Gaur and Prof. and Head, Deptt. Of Pharmacology, Dr. M.A. Beg.
While addressing the gathering at the occasion, Dr. M.A. Beg highlighted the significance of National Pharmacovigilance Week. He said that all over India this week is celebrated from 17th September to 23rd September with the vision and objective to get maximum cases of Adverse Drug Reactions reported to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre located at Ghaziabad. The final goal of this programme is to enhance the reporting culture and safe use of medicines leading to better patient care. A sensitization program was also conducted and the importance of Adverse Drug Reaction monitoring was explained by Dr M.A. Beg. He said that since Adverse Drug Reactions (A.D.R.s) are one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in patients. This would in turn promote rational use of medicines which would ultimately reduce harm to patients and thus improve public health.
It’s worth mentioning that Deptt. of Pharmcology, SGRRIM&HS has an active Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Centre which uploads Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Reports on a monthly basis received from Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital which is the teaching hospital of Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences through a software called Vigiflow. The Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Centre is comprised of Co-ordinator Dr. M.A. Beg, Deputy Coordinator Dr. Shalu Bawa and Pharmcovigilance Associate Mr. Bipin Prakash Tamta.
The MBBS Students of 2020 batch of Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences participated in Poster Competition and a Role Play organized on the theme of Encouraging Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions by the patients. Group Eight (8) was the winning team in the poster competition which consisted of Samridhi Jaiswal, Shivangi Johari, Pushkar Jain, Chaynika Chitrak, Priyanshi Agarwal, Manveen Kaur Anand and Vasu Dhar. The judges for the Poster Competition were Dr. Vinita Gupta, Dr. J.P. Sharma, Dr. Jagdish Rawat and Dr. Sulekha Nautiyal.
The team of Deptt. of Pharmcology which assisted in successful organizing of this programme consisted of, Prof. Dr. Hitender Kumar, Prof. Dr. Shalu Bawa, Assistant Prof. Dr. Chavi Jain, Senior Residents Dr. Gauri Mittal and Dr. Shruti Malhotra.
The programme was enthusiastically attended by more than 200 participants consisting of Deans, HODs, faculties, doctors and students of all the institutions of Shri Guru Ram Rai University.