On 26-27th April 2023, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Sciences organised a Two Day Workshop on Thesis Protocol Writing in collaboration with Institute of Applied Statistics under the Dr Padam Singh R&D Scheme. The workshop was inaugurated by lamp lighting by Dr Yashbir Dewan, Honourable Vice Chancellor, SGRRU and Organising President for the event, Dr RK Verma, Principal, SGRRIMHS,Dr Prerak Mittal, Chief Medical Superintendent, SMIH, Dr Lokesh Gambhir, Dean Research, SGRRU & Organising Secretary for this workshop, Guest Speakers Dr Sanjay S Agarwal, Professor & Head, ABVGMC, Vidisha, National Coordinator of Dr Padam Singh R&D Scheme &Additional Director, Institute of Applied Sciences, Dr Shubham Pandey, Dr. Puneet Ohri, Organising Secretary and Vice Principal, SGRRIM&HS and senior faculty members of medical college including Dr SulekhaNautiyal, Dr Nidhi Jain, Dr Robina Makker, Dr Megha Luthra, Dr Rana Usmaniand Dr Shalki Mattas, State Coordinator (Uttarakhand) of Dr Padam Singh R&D Scheme.
The workshop started with a welcome note by Dr Puneet Ohriwho gave an introduction about this series of workshop being conducted by the institute since the past year. Speaking on the occasion, Honourable Vice Chancellor, Dr Yashbir Dewan enlightened the delegates about the importance of research and how it has helped in the growth of medical science over the years. This was followed by words of encouragement by Dr RK Verma, Principal, SGRRIMHSwho appreciated the efforts of Medical Education Unit in conducting such events which focuson the importance of gaining knowledge about how to conduct researchactivities in the institute. Dr Prerak Mittal, Chief Medical Superintendent, SMIHfocused on how this Workshop will provide a unique impetus for the faculty and students of SGRRU and all other attendees with unique exposure and understanding of Research Methodology. Dr Lokesh Gambhir, Dean Research, SGRRU emphasised that it is important for students, scholars and all faculty members of variouscourses under the university to focus and work towards making research a distinct area of expertise for all.
This was followed by informative interactive workshop sessions taken by Dr Sanjay S Agarwal and Dr Shubham Pandey which was attended by more than 50 postgraduate students, scholarsand faculty members of SGRRU. This was the fourth workshop in a series of workshops which were organised under this scheme throughout the year.